

Recount Text adalah salah satu jenis text dalam bahasa Inggris yang menceritakan kembali tentang kejadian-kejadian atau pengalaman-pengalaman di masa lampau. Tujuan dari Recount Text adalah untuk memberikan informasi atau untuk menghibur pembaca sehingga tidak terdapat konflik.

1.        Macam-macam Recount Text :
a.         Personal Recount
Yaitu menceritakan tentang pengalaman pribadi penulis
b.         Factual Recount
Yaitu laporan peristiwa yang benar-benar terjadi, seperti laporan percobaan ilmu pengetahuan, laporan kepolisian.
c.         Imaginative
Yaitu membuat cerita imaginative lalu menuliskan peristiwa atau kejadian yang telah terjadi.
2.        Struktur  Recount Text adalah sebagai berikut :
a.         Orientation
Yaitu pengenalan berupa memberikan informasi tentang siapa, dimana dan kapan peristiwa atau kejadian itu terjadi di masa lampau.
b.         Events
Yaitu merupakan rekaman peristiwa yang terjadi, biasanya disampaikan dalam urutan kronologis, seperti : "In the first day... . And in the next day... . And in the last day... ." Pada bagian ini terdapat juga komentar pribadi tentang peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan.
c.         Reorientation
Yaitu pengulangan pengenalan yang ada di orientation, pengulangan tentang rangkuman peristiwa atau kejadian yang diceritakan.
3.        Ciri Kebahasaan Recount Text
Pada saat membaca Recount Text, akan ditemukan ciri-ciri kebahasaan sebagai berikut :
a.         Menggunakan kalimat dalam bentuk  Past Tense.
Contoh : We went to Bandung last year, I was very happy.
b.         Menggunakan Action Verbs.
Contoh : went, bought, wrote, slept, dll.
c.      Menggunakan Adverbs and Adverbial Phrase untuk mengungkapkan waktu, tempat dan cara.
Contoh : yesterday, at school, quickly, dll.
d.   Menggunakan Conjunction dan Time Connectives untuk mengurutkan peristiwa atau kejadian.
Contoh : but, and, after that, dll.

Berikut beberapa contoh recount text beserta artinya

Yesterday my family went to the zoo to see the elephant and other animal. When we got to the zoo, we went to the shop to buy some food to give to the animals. After getting the food we went to the nocturnal house where we saw birds and reptiles which only come out at night. Before lunch we went for a ride on the elephant. It was a thrill to ride it. Dad nearly fell off when he let go of the rope. During lunch we fed some birds in the park. In the afternoon we saw the animals being fed. When we returned home we were tired but happy because we had so much fun.

Man Charged with Pushing Old Woman Down Bus
SINGAPORE – The man who pushed an old woman down a bus along Upper Thomson Road has been charged in court. Twenty-five-year-old Ong Kok Hao is accused of hurting 76-year-old Hwang Li Lian Nee Lye on bus service number 167 at about 3pm on June 5 this year. Ong is said to have used his right hand to push the old woman on her back, causing her to fall on the steps of the bus. The incident was captured in a two-minute video and uploaded on YouTube. The video shows Ong suddenly flying into a rage at Madam Hwang for pressing the bell at the last-minute along Upper Thomson Road. A shouting match then ensued and during the heated spat, Ong threatened to slap the woman, before pushing her down the bus.
Ong’s lawyer Eddie Koh will be making representations to the court. The case will next be mentioned in December.

Theatre Ticket
Last week I went to the theatre. It was the only theatre at my town. I had 1 free ticket to watch a movie. I had no idea about the movie I would like to watch and I did not know the schedule of that theatre. So that, I just wanted to come and see if there was any good movie. I parked my motorcycle at the parking area and I walked slowly at the hall of the theatre. I took my ticket on my wallet and go to the information section to ask about how to use the ticket that day. Unfortunately, I missed it. The ticket was already expired 2 days before. I went home and I was very disappointed about that.

Three days ago, I went to the traditional market to buy some fruits and vegetables. In that market, I saw an accident, there was a thief beaten by a lot of people. It was so terrible. I didn’t want to take closer and see. A few minutes later, police came and took him.
I asked to the fruit seller what had happened actually and she said that the thief tried to steal someone’s wallet but he was unlucky. Someone saw him and shouted loudly and suddenly some people roughed him up hardly.
It was a pity event and I hoped it would never happen again.

Falling from tree
When I was kid, I felt out of my friend’s mango tree. At that time, my friends and I wanted to eat mango in front of my friend’s house. The tree was very high. We could not climb it because at that time we were little.
Because no one dared to climb the tree, I braced myself to climb it. I knew that I could not climb the tall tree. However, I want to show them that I was great. Then I climbed the tree. Having reached the top, I started looking for fruit which I would take. I saw my friends from the bottom praised me. “Great, you are awesome!” said one of my friends. “Fetch the fruit!” begged my friend. Then I tried to reach the fruit. However, when I was about to pick it up, the trunk where I stand broken. I felt from the tree. “Gubraaakk” My body crushed the ground. I cried in pain. I see blood was coming out of my head.
At that moment, I was ushered by my friend to my home. They told my mother that I fell out of a mango tree. Then my mother treated my wounds. Until now the wound is still seen in my arm. Every time I see it, I remember my childhood that careless and love to be praised.

New Year Holiday Story
The last school holiday, I spent the time with my family on vacation to a relative's house in Madiun, approximately 6 hour trip by bus from our home in Malang. On the way there, we saw many beautiful views such as rice fields, mountains, etc. Having arrived at the uncle's house, we were greeted by our relatives who had not met us for a long time. The next day, we walked around the town of Madiun until the sky got dark. Finally we decided to go home at 6:00 p.m. on that day.
On the next day, I forgot that it was the New Year. Sudenly, one of my cousins came and asked me to celebrate the New Year's Eve together. At night, I went together with him to the center of the city of Madiun which had already been so crowded because a lot of people who also wanted to celebrate the New Year with his family. When the countdown arrived, the sky which was dark at once then became so colorfully decorated by fireworks. We prayed together and watched the fireworks lightening the sky that night.
Suddenly, the holiday passed quickly. The last New Year's holiday experience in the city of Malang was so impressive for me.

Yesterday l was going to the lake. It was the nice time for fishing because I had no work to do. I wake earlier at the morning then I went to the market place to buy some shrimps which I used for fishing bait. After that, I went to the lake to start fishing.
At that lake, I looked for the best point to fish. I went to the place under the big tree at the bank of the lake. I threw my hook as far as I can then I wait for the fish eating my bait. 30 minutes left and finally there was a fish ate my bait. It was the first big enough fish that I got. I got 10 big fish and 3 small fish at that day. I was so happy. I would cook that fish at home and then I would call my friends to come to my home then we would have a small party. But I was not lucky enough because on the way home I saw a beggar. He was an old poor beggar. I gave all of my fish to him and I wish he would be happy getting that fish. Perhaps he could sell them at the market and get some money to buy some food.
Even I did not have any fish after that, I was so happy because I could help people.

Math Teacher
I had a very kind teacher at senior high school. He was math teacher. He was never angry at class even the students were lazy doing the homework. He always taught slowly so that we could have good understanding.
One day when I was at third grade, we all got bad news. Our best teacher passed away because of cancer in his head. We were so sad. There was no class that day. All teachers and students went to mourn and gave our last honour to him at the funerary event. We all were crying. We all were praying for him.
He left us forever but leaved a good knowledge for us to learn math in a good way. Thanks for him, for his kindness and wisdom as our teacher and also our father.

Vacation to Goa Lawa
Last week we went to our parents’ house at Trenggalek. We went there by the train started from Yogyakarta and stopped at Tulungagung station. There is no train station at Trenggalek. Therefore after arrived at Tulungagung we continued our vacation by bus to go to Trenggalek. We was so happy because we did not visit there yet for a long time. We stayed there for three days and we had a plane to go to some tourism place.
The most interesting thing from our vacation that time was at the second day we visited Lawa cave. Lawa is Javanese terms which means cave bat and that is true that the cave is the home for thousand bats. We went there with the whole family so that the trip was so fun. My grandma was 80 and she was so excited and still powerful to go inside the cave. We could find a river in that cave and the water was so cold. To go deeper inside the cave we need light so we rented a lamp and hire a guide for our safety. After 4 hours explored the cave, we felt tired and we went out. At the outside of the cave then we searched for the local restaurant and had a nice launch.
That was so very interesting family holiday we had done together.

The last holiday i went to my grandma’s home. Her home is quite awesome, so far away from the city and close to the vegetables farm area. My grandma and grandpa are farmers. I spent two days there and I did so many interesting things in the farm, helping my grandpa planted vegetables.
At the first day, I learned to plant spinach. What I did was moving out the young spinach from the seeding area to the plantation area. I thought it was easy, but in fact, it was tiring. I had to move those one by one under the sun. I did that for several hours before launch and continued until afternoon. In the night, i didn’t want anything except sleeping. I was really tired but it was fun. I couldn’t wake up in the morning until my grandma knocked at my door. He laughed at me because what I did was not hard actually if compared with the real farmer. Then, before we went to the farm again, my grandma had prepared for breakfast. After eating I follow my grandpa going to the next field. We would do daily treatment for the 1 month age spinach. We had to give them enough water and checked if there were any caterpillars and grasshoppers.
At the third day, I had to back home. I was sad to leave my grandma and grandpa. But, that’s fine because the next holiday I would go there and see them again.

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